May 07, 2023

Want to know how your WordPress recruitment website is advertising for hackers to hack you?

Want to know how your WordPress recruitment website is advertising for hackers to hack you?

Want to know how your WordPress recruitment website is advertising for hackers to hack you?


The answer is in the image below, this is an example of a recruiter's website and the version of WordPress they are using is out of date, so the code has not been updated. I see this most days on most all WordPress-based sites I look at.



This is version 4.8 we are on version 6. WordPress has fixed several security flaws between versions, and hackers know this and use this kind of weakness in a site's security to perform 60% of their hacks.


You would also be falling foul of GDPR as you have not taken all reasonable care with security (this being the cyber equivalent of leaving your keys in your car and wondering why it gets stolen), and if you have signed up for any client terms/PSL that use the line "you need to take all reasonable precautions with cyber security" or words to that effect then you have breached all your client agreements as well as GDPR because not keeping WordPress update is failing at the most basic level of website maintenance.


Good luck out there, recruiters.


Got any questions or need any more advice on how your recruitment website can help? Then connect with me here:


Darren Revell
Please note I am Dyslexic, and in my form, I am blind to grammar, and sometimes I get my fors and fours, etc. backwards.  I am not stupid – in fact, my IQ and EQ are both quite high.  Please keep that in mind when you read my posts.  Thanks.