Google For Jobs

Google For Jobs

Sending your jobs to Google for Jobs (GFJ) is not precisely SEO because GFJ is a job aggregation site, but as GFJ is dominating search rankings, it makes sense for your jobs to be there. 

RecruiterWEB has a proven 16-point optimisation strategy to get your jobs onto GFJ and ranking well.

But take note Job Boards get preferential treatment inside GFJ, and Google is tinkering with charging sponsorship on GFJ, the same as Indeed.

One significant way Recruiters can compete with the preferential treatment given to Job boards inside GFJ is to become a Recruitzy member.


Gain Rankings via Site Trust & Authority

On-Page SEO otherwise known as Content

Technical SEO

RecruiterWEB & SEO

18+ years of search engine know-how for recruiters...

We have 18+ years of SEO experience specifically for recruiters/job boards.

Your website is like your car; let's say it is a hybrid car. The Electic engine will get you 30 miles on a very cheap charge, but for more than that, you need fossil fuel. SEO is fossil fuel for websites.

Many website builders blatantly lie about SEO and what their websites are capable of. We won't sell you SEO if we don't think the rankings you want are achievable.

Recruitment-related keywords are highly competed for, and often it will take a budget of £1000 to £2000 per month for 12-18 months to take non-ranked websites and get them ranked for highly competitive recruitment keywords.

Beware the snake oil salesperson that tells you; you will outrank Indeed, Reed, Total Jobs etc., and other recruitment website vendors by just using their website tech! It never happens.

RecruiterWEB & SEO